Shreeji Wealthmart


We Guide you through goal base planning, that can help you in meeting your needs and goals. It’s been a long journey dedicated towards the well being of our customers. Times change & with changing times we too have come online to serve you better. We provide services in the insurance & financial arena – but what we are actually known for are the close bonds that we form with our customers, or rather our family members as we like to refer to them.

At Shreeji Wealthmart we follow our passions backed by expertise and experience. We started our journey of spreading financial awareness at all levels of society and making our clients’ lives safe, secured and wealthy from inception. During this long tenure we expanded our bouquet of services keeping in mind client’s needs and benefits. Extensive and unbiased research before we recommend any product to our clients and best in the class after-sales-service – are always our pillars of priority in everything we do.

I, Mr. Parag Soni, am an AMFI certified Mutual Fund Distributor. Currently we are handling more than 100 customers in and outside India. We have established ourselves as a dependable and expert group as far as insurance and investments are concerned. We offer personalised financial planning and wealth management services as we strongly believe that like you, your financial needs and aspirations are also unique and that needs to be addressed correctly. Designing, implementation and review are fundamental to all the services that we offer. To us all our relationships with clients are long term – forever. We consider our clients as an extended family.

As time went by we have emphasised our focus on technology and ease of access of services at fingertip. We offer all our clients individual login facilities to view their dashboard anytime, anywhere. We keep them updated throughout, without fail. We are present in web as well in mobile devices. We handhold you to understand reports and analysis of your investments and insurance and at the same time guide you for further actions that needs to be taken. We keep transparency throughout our services. Our most valuable asset is you and your faith on us. We value that above everything.

Shreeji Wealthmart ©2024

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